The story of the ninth wave in Tales of Old Ireland: Retold: Ancient Irish Stories Retold for Today: Volume 1 by Lora O’Brien is a captivating blend of myth and...
What are piseoga? A group of friends sit around a table. One scratches their nose and exclaims, "Ah, me nose is itchy!" A few playful punches are exchanged, and everyone...
The character of Queen Maeve has come to popularity in Amazon's TV show 'The Boys' as a badass superhero with some… issues, not the least of which appears to be...
So you’re wondering which Irish deity you should work with? This is a question I get asked a lot, and it’s not as straightforward as one might think. There are...
Irish folklore is rich with tales of the Sidhe and Fairy Magic, offering a glimpse into the mystical world of Irish traditions. Within our Irish culture and society, practices for...