The story of the ninth wave in Tales of Old Ireland: Retold: Ancient Irish Stories Retold for Today: Volume 1 by Lora O’Brien is a captivating blend of myth and...
The Autumn Equinox, Cónocht an Fhómhair, is a significant time in our Irish Pagan tradition, symbolising balance between light and dark as the day and night become equal. In 2024,...
The idea that Irish people have reverted to Pagan beliefs has sparked some discussion lately, but the truth is, Irish Pagan beliefs never really disappeared here. They’ve always been part...
What are piseoga? A group of friends sit around a table. One scratches their nose and exclaims, "Ah, me nose is itchy!" A few playful punches are exchanged, and everyone...
Do you need to have an altar for Irish Paganism? Loads of people look down their nose at me for teaching about altars and tended sacred spaces in my Irish...
This is an introduction to Irish Gods and Goddesses - deities you may be interested in through Irish Pagan and Celtic Mythology, by Lora O'Brien. Now, Gods and Goddesses of...
Tailtiu and Lúnasa are closely connected in Irish mythology and cultural history. Tailtiu was a Firbolg Queen, a Goddess who cleared the land for farming, and when she died, the...
The ancient Hill of Tara holds many tales of valour and mystery. Among these is the compelling story of Lugh, the many-skilled one, who came to Tara on a cold...
The 1st of August, or sometimes the 2nd, marks the celebration of Lúnasa in Ireland (also known as Lughnasadh, Lughnasa, Lammas, or Brón Trogain), our vibrant harvest festival. Rooted in...
The character of Queen Maeve has come to popularity in Amazon's TV show 'The Boys' as a badass superhero with some… issues, not the least of which appears to be...