Celtic and Irish mythology teem with mythological creatures and ancient deities, yet few remain as elusive as Crom Cruach. Revered by some and demonised by others, his story straddles the...
The story of the ninth wave in Tales of Old Ireland: Retold: Ancient Irish Stories Retold for Today: Volume 1 by Lora O’Brien is a captivating blend of myth and...
This is an introduction to Irish Gods and Goddesses - deities you may be interested in through Irish Pagan and Celtic Mythology, by Lora O'Brien. Now, Gods and Goddesses of...
Tailtiu and Lúnasa are closely connected in Irish mythology and cultural history. Tailtiu was a Firbolg Queen, a Goddess who cleared the land for farming, and when she died, the...
The character of Queen Maeve has come to popularity in Amazon's TV show 'The Boys' as a badass superhero with some… issues, not the least of which appears to be...
Annually, discussions about Saint Patrick resurface, often clouded by misconceptions and exaggerations. In this article, Morgan Daimler takes us on a journey to unravel the myths surrounding this historical figure,...
Explore the intriguing intersection of mythology, menstruation, and creation in Irish folklore as we delve into the enigmatic tale of Medb, Queen of Connacht. Morgan Daimler uncovers where menstruation intertwines...
In the rich tapestry of Irish mythology, Irish Gods' names carry deep significance, weaving together strands of language, culture, and belief. Yet, as we delve into the origins and meanings...
With their mischievous demeanor and pots of gold at the end of the rainbow, the leprechaun has left an indelible mark on Irish folklore, and made a mark on modern...
I've seen some chatter floating about online about whether Airmid, a figure from Irish Mythology, (also Airmed, Airmeith, Airmedh) is a historical figure, or a deity, and if she could...