When it comes to Irish or Celtic Paganism, one question keeps cropping up in our communities: Is it an open practice? And what they are really asking is... Can we...
This in-depth Irish Paganism Q&A explores a spiritual tradition rooted in the landscape, culture, and history of Ireland, from the perspective of a native practitioner. It reflects a deep connection...
Samhain in Ireland is a time of profound transformation, marking the transition from light to dark, from the active days of summer to the quiet, introspective time of winter. Unlike...
The idea that Irish people have reverted to Pagan beliefs has sparked some discussion lately, but the truth is, Irish Pagan beliefs never really disappeared here. They’ve always been part...
What are piseoga? A group of friends sit around a table. One scratches their nose and exclaims, "Ah, me nose is itchy!" A few playful punches are exchanged, and everyone...
"Pottage is not so much used in all Christendom as it is used in England" - Andrew Boorde, Dyetary (I542) Pottage in England, came from the Old French pottage, meaning...
With their mischievous demeanor and pots of gold at the end of the rainbow, the leprechaun has left an indelible mark on Irish folklore, and made a mark on modern...
A while back, I became aware of a contentious blog post and subsequent social media commotion emerged from a self-proclaimed community 'elder' who was railing against Social Justice being a...
Bealtaine is a significant community festival in Ireland, marking the beginning of summer and the changing of the year. In this article you will discover some of the traditions of...
Spirituality can be a very personal thing. We are each of us trying to learn and grow as a spiritual person as much as we are an intellectual, physical and...