About Seed Talks - this is an organisation dedicated to bringing thought-provoking discussions and expert-led talks to audiences across the UK and Ireland. Covering topics from history and philosophy to...
The Irish Otherworld is a realm beyond ordinary human experience, woven into the fabric of Irish myth and spirituality. It is not a distant afterlife or a land of punishment,...
The story of the ninth wave in Tales of Old Ireland: Retold: Ancient Irish Stories Retold for Today: Volume 1 by Lora O’Brien is a captivating blend of myth and...
What of Áine - Fairy Woman, 'Celtic' Goddess, and Queen of the Sidhe in Limerick? It is impossible to discuss places in Ireland without discussing the stories attached to those...
Irish folklore is rich with tales of the Sidhe and Fairy Magic, offering a glimpse into the mystical world of Irish traditions. Within our Irish culture and society, practices for...
The May Bush, May Flowers, May Pole and May Bough are all Bealtaine traditions still to be found scattered through the Irish countryside come the 30th April (May Eve) and...
Irish folklore, with its rich tapestry of myths, legends, and traditions, has long captivated scholars and enthusiasts alike. For those beginning (or continuing!) this fascinating journey of discovery, certain texts...
With their mischievous demeanor and pots of gold at the end of the rainbow, the leprechaun has left an indelible mark on Irish folklore, and made a mark on modern...
When discussing the Irish Sidhe, the Fairies as we call them here, you'll hear many a cautionary tale of trickery, hard lessons, and even death... before you ever get a...
You might be forgiven for getting these two mixed up given the complex nature of the Irish Otherworld. In other cultures there are tales of some form of ‘underworld’ or...