Celtic and Irish mythology teem with mythological creatures and ancient deities, yet few remain as elusive as Crom Cruach. Revered by some and demonised by others, his story straddles the...
The story of the ninth wave in Tales of Old Ireland: Retold: Ancient Irish Stories Retold for Today: Volume 1 by Lora O’Brien is a captivating blend of myth and...
The Autumn Equinox, Cónocht an Fhómhair, is a significant time in our Irish Pagan tradition, symbolising balance between light and dark as the day and night become equal. In 2024,...
What are piseoga? A group of friends sit around a table. One scratches their nose and exclaims, "Ah, me nose is itchy!" A few playful punches are exchanged, and everyone...
What of Áine - Fairy Woman, 'Celtic' Goddess, and Queen of the Sidhe in Limerick? It is impossible to discuss places in Ireland without discussing the stories attached to those...
Here we look at the Irish Summer Solstice traditions with Lora O'Brien. The Summer Solstice, the longest day of the year, has important spiritual and cultural meanings in Irish history....
Irish folklore is rich with tales of the Sidhe and Fairy Magic, offering a glimpse into the mystical world of Irish traditions. Within our Irish culture and society, practices for...
In this insightful exploration, we critically assess William Butler Yeats' role in shaping Irish folklore. Born during a transformative period in Ireland, Yeats was a major figure in the Irish...
This is your guide to understanding Bealtaine in Ireland, with Lora O’Brien. Today, we’re exploring the authentic Irish traditions and practices of this ancient Fire festival, so we can learn,...
Across the world and its many and varied cultures, ethnicities and tribes, there have always been some select few who serve a particular need for the community. From medicine workers,...