The times of Ireland’s ancient myth are those of heroes, villains and kings. Though there were many tribes that came into the island with tales that speak to kingship in...
In exploring the intricate tapestry of Irish mythology, the story of Dian Cécht and Miach stands out as a profound narrative that delves into the complexities of healing, wisdom, and...
When you search the Irish Pagan School you will find many classes with 'Introduction' in the title, followed by one or more of the Irish deities. Much of the teaching...
The enigmatic presence of the Tuatha De Danann within Irish lore often ignites a pivotal question: are they truly the divine entities of old, the Gods of Ireland? Morgan Daimler's...
We are often approached with queries about Cernunnos and asked about his connection to Ireland, Irish Paganism, and such. To come right to the point folks, Cernunnos is not an...
With the colonising oppression of the Catholic church it's fair to say that we lost all previous rituals and practices that honour the Dagda. Yet by taking the time to...
Lugh, known as the Ildanach (many linked skills), forms a very important focus for the survival of the Tuatha Dé Dannan as they face invasion from their ancestral enemy, the...
There are many legendary tales from Ireland's mythical past but one of the oddest and in some would say most powerful figures of these tales is found in the stories...
“I have tidings for you: warriors are coming across the sea, a thousand heroes covering the ocean; speckled ships will press in upon us; all kinds of death they announce,...
Among the Tuatha Dé Danann of Ireland’s ancient past there was one who was known as ‘Olathair’. Though some translations and conflations with other Pagan Gods would have you believe...