Celtic and Irish mythology teem with mythological creatures and ancient deities, yet few remain as elusive as Crom Cruach. Revered by some and demonised by others, his story straddles the...
This is an introduction to Irish Gods and Goddesses - deities you may be interested in through Irish Pagan and Celtic Mythology, by Lora O'Brien. Now, Gods and Goddesses of...
So you’re wondering which Irish deity you should work with? This is a question I get asked a lot, and it’s not as straightforward as one might think. There are...
What of Áine - Fairy Woman, 'Celtic' Goddess, and Queen of the Sidhe in Limerick? It is impossible to discuss places in Ireland without discussing the stories attached to those...
A question that often arises in our comments - who is the Irish god of death? Among the various candidates, Donn, the first ancestor of the Gaels, is often highlighted...
In the rich tapestry of Irish mythology, Irish Gods' names carry deep significance, weaving together strands of language, culture, and belief. Yet, as we delve into the origins and meanings...
I've seen some chatter floating about online about whether Airmid, a figure from Irish Mythology, (also Airmed, Airmeith, Airmedh) is a historical figure, or a deity, and if she could...
You might be forgiven for getting these two mixed up given the complex nature of the Irish Otherworld. In other cultures there are tales of some form of ‘underworld’ or...
What happens if we experience doubt in our spiritual lives? Living a spiritually balanced life is not as easy as some people make it seem. Many times we are approached...
Ceist: What is a Dagda Bard? Ní Ansa... We get asked a lot of questions about Irish Gods, spiritual practices, Irish culture, history and mythology... and honestly we’re delighted. That's...