The Irish Otherworld is a realm beyond ordinary human experience, woven into the fabric of Irish myth and spirituality. It is not a distant afterlife or a land of punishment,...
What are piseoga? A group of friends sit around a table. One scratches their nose and exclaims, "Ah, me nose is itchy!" A few playful punches are exchanged, and everyone...
How (and why) do we celebrate Irish Pagan holidays in Contemporary Irish Paganism? Pagan Holidays (Holy Days) worldwide are coming back to a more general use and understanding, with folk...
The May Bush, May Flowers, May Pole and May Bough are all Bealtaine traditions still to be found scattered through the Irish countryside come the 30th April (May Eve) and...
This is your guide to understanding Bealtaine in Ireland, with Lora O’Brien. Today, we’re exploring the authentic Irish traditions and practices of this ancient Fire festival, so we can learn,...
Bealtaine is a significant community festival in Ireland, marking the beginning of summer and the changing of the year. In this article you will discover some of the traditions of...