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This in-depth Irish Paganism Q&A explores a spiritual tradition rooted in the landscape, culture, and history of Ireland, from the perspective of a native practitioner. It reflects a deep connection between the natural world, the Otherworld, and the people who inhabit both.

At the heart of this belief system is the understanding that everything is interconnected – humans, nature, ancestors, and the divine. This interconnectedness shapes Irish spirituality, grounding it in community, land, and the cycles of life and death.

Though influenced by historical change and colonisation, modern Irish Paganism has re-emerged as a living practice, blending ancient traditions with contemporary values such as equality and inclusivity.

A while back, I was interviewed by a student named Hannah for their college research, and I thought others might be interested in the Irish Paganism Q&A that resulted from the interview. – Lora

What would you say is the overall conception of the world and the place of humans in Irish Paganism?

Overall, I believe native Irish spirituality/Irish Paganism views us all as connected, and by ‘us all’ I do mean everything, in this world and the Otherworld. Even the worlds are strongly connected. Nature’s inhabitants and cycles are still integral to our survival in many areas of this island, and of course would have been even more so in times gone by.

Past and present are close here too, we have a long reaching sense of time, so beliefs and practises are very deep rooted. We have a well developed sense of community in Ireland, which definitely stems from our social history with clann (family) and tuath (community/tribe) groupings.

This connected community extends to the world around us, our personal and family traditions are securely tied into this land and landscape, our ancestors walked here, worked here, worshipped here, were buried here. We still tend the graves of those who passed many centuries ago. Everything is connected, and all of this permeates our sense of self, which of course informs our spirituality. 

What would you say is your concept of divinity?

In Irish Paganism, divinity is viewed as both deeply personal and profoundly communal. The Irish Gods and Goddesses are autonomous beings, existing independently of human influence, yet they remain intricately connected to the land, culture, and people of Ireland.

These deities are not distant or aloof but are part of the living fabric of the world, engaging with the natural cycles and the human experience. They represent aspects of life, nature, sovereignty, and power, each embodying different attributes and responsibilities that resonate within the culture from which they arose.

The relationship between humans and the divine is not one of blind worship or unquestioning submission. Instead, it’s based on what we refer to as Right Relationship.

This concept acknowledges the reciprocal nature of the bond between the Gods and the people. We might call on the Gods for guidance, protection, or assistance, but that connection is earned and nurtured over time.

Just as they may influence us, our actions, devotion, and respect can, in turn, influence them. This dynamic relationship requires commitment, understanding, and mutual respect, much like any healthy human relationship you might be more familiar with.

For those wanting to work with the Irish Gods, it’s important to remember that this isn’t a one-sided interaction. Building a connection with a deity is a process of ongoing engagement.

Offerings, rituals, and a sincere dedication to learning and honouring their stories, attributes, and associations are all part of maintaining that connection.

Over time, this bond strengthens, creating a personal and spiritual pathway that links us not only to the deity… but to the ancient cultural framework that continues to sustain these connections in modern times.

Are there different roles for men and women or non-binary individuals in the act of worship or rituals?

In modern Irish Paganism, equality is a core value. While historical Irish society once had rigid roles for men and women – often influenced by colonisation and the Catholic Church – these divisions have no place in contemporary practice.

Today, everyone is treated equally (or rather, equitably), regardless of gender or identity.

Our spiritual communities, or Tuatha, embrace inclusivity, fostering a space where all are welcome and valued. This ethos of equality is central to our modern rituals and practices, reflecting a commitment to honouring each person’s unique connection to the divine and the community.

Are there any specific rituals that are just particular to Irish Paganism? 

Many of the rituals unique to Irish Paganism have unfortunately been appropriated or adapted first from native beliefs by Christianity, and secondly by NeoPagan movements – often losing their original cultural context in the process.

Traditions like the Turas Deiseal or walking the rounds – a ritual involving circling sacred sites – have been reinterpreted, sometimes without the depth of meaning they hold in their native form.

However, some distinctly Irish practices, such as exactly how we engage with the art of cursing, have remained largely untouched, likely because they don’t fit neatly into the more sanitised versions of modern Paganism.

Irish cursing rituals, for instance, are potent and deeply tied to the land and the people, and our ancestry. They are often linked to acts of justice or redress, reflecting the communal and legal structures of ancient Ireland.

These rituals, while powerful, are not widely known or practised outside of native Irish traditions. Unlike some of the more visible customs, they haven’t been softened for broader appeal and so we get to keep them a little closer. They remain an authentic part of Irish spiritual heritage.

In addition to these specific practices, there’s an underlying ethos in Irish ritual that emphasises the land, ancestors, and Right Relationship with the Gods. These elements ground our spiritual work in a way that is somewhat unique to the Irish context and our living traditions on the island here, ensuring that our rituals are more than just performances – they are acts of connection with our landscape, our history, and our deities.

If you’re looking to engage with these traditions, it’s essential to do so with respect and a willingness to learn from the source, rather than the diluted versions found elsewhere. Be a part of the solution like, rather than adding more to the problem.

What would you say are the different rites of passage in order to be, in your case a High Priestess of the Morrigan, if you can share, or to just be a simple follower? 

I don’t refer to myself as a High Priestess of the Mórrígan, and never have. For the record.

Priest work is complicated, and there are many ways to be a Priest – it is a job description, ultimately, not a title. In other traditions, another Priest would often initiate you into service, but there is no recognised authority for Irish Paganism, so this is not available to anyone.

It will take somebody starting a ‘church’ or formal organisation here in Ireland with suitable credentials in place, before that is a possibility. Currently, people are recognised as Priests by the community they serve, as they do the work of a Priest. It’s an organic and communal process. 

Anybody can dedicate to the Gods, and begin to work with them or for them, however.

We’ve detailed some of the methodology for this in a blog post on working with Irish Gods and Goddesses HERE – and in my book, A Practical Guide to Pagan Priesthood. 

Are there any rules on marriage and kinship for example, marriage rites in Irish Paganism or who people consider to be kin? 

The concept of Clann and Tuath as mentioned above has a long history, and still shows through in our society and culture today. Fosterage was a well established kin bond, for example, often without any blood ties.

Personally, I love how closely this fits with the concept and experience I’ve had of ‘chosen family’ within LGBTQ+ communities.

The Brehon Law System had multiple different types of marriage, as well as different rules and responsibilities in each. All of that was wiped out in society with colonisation, and we are lucky we still have enough records to form a patchwork of what it may have been like in full.

What is your view on death, dying, and the afterlife, in Irish Paganism? 

The Irish have a very practical view of dying and death, and again, we see the dead person as still very much connected in spirit and memory.

We keep our dead very ‘present’ – whether that’s the body in our homes during the multi-day waking and burial process, or the active remembrance of them in our everyday lives.

Our mourning process is communal, even today not-Irish people are surprised by how involved everyone gets through the whole process, it encompasses people who were connected through the dead person’s (and their family’s) entire life. 

What are the different beliefs of a possible afterlife? Is there an afterlife for Irish Pagans?

In Irish Paganism, beliefs about the afterlife reflect the cyclical nature of existence. Like our ancestors, we believe in the transmigration of the soul, which is similar to the concept of reincarnation, though we avoid that term due to its ties to other cultural beliefs.

In this view, the soul doesn’t end with death but instead moves through different phases, continuing its journey.

The Otherworld plays a central role in this process. It is not a place of eternal rest but rather a realm where the dead may pause, reflect, and prepare for re-creation or re-birth. This resting place allows for rejuvenation before the soul returns to the physical world in a new form, continuing the cycle of life.

For Irish Pagans, this belief underscores the ongoing connection between the living and the dead, as the boundaries between this world and the Otherworld are always fluid, especially at sacred times like Samhain.

Finally, how do you approach people who believe different things? 

Openly. My beliefs and thoughts are my own, and I’m happy to compare notes, but I don’t think my way is right or wrong for anyone else.

Even my own children were taught about many belief systems, and grew up to make their own choices at an appropriate age. I want that for everyone!

👀 See All Classes Taught by Lora O’Brien at the Irish Pagan School ✨

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