Fáilte – Welcome!

The Irish Pagan School was co-founded in 2017 by Irish Authors and heritage educators Lora O’Brien and Jon O’Sullivan, as a platform to promote and support genuine native Irish spiritual teaching and teachers.

We provide Online Classes on Irish Paganism, Mythology, genuine Irish History, Heritage, Culture, Folklore, Magic and Spirituality, all taught by native Irish Educators.

The Irish Pagan School Blog is offered as a further (free) resource to compliment our existing offerings across multiple platforms, both free and paid, which ensure that any person who wants to authentically connect to Ireland has the opportunity to do so, while supporting genuine Irish culture and traditions.

A smiling close-up of Lora O'Brien and Jon O'Sullivan, founders of the Irish Pagan School, enjoying a sunny day in Phoenix Park, Dublin. Lora, with short red hair and a lip piercing, stands in front, while Jon, wearing glasses and a beard, smiles from behind. The background shows green grass and trees, creating a peaceful, natural setting.
Lora & Jon on a Site Quest in the Pheonix Park in Dublin, 2016.

So far I’ve mostly been utilizing The Irish Pagan School’s MANY free resources, which are very informative and high quality along with providing a substantial load of academic and personal resources outside of their own materials. I hope to move on soon to the paid courses. Their topics are wide ranging, whether you’re looking to practice Irish paganism, learn about the faith for academic purposes, wanting to learn about Irish history, etc. HIGHLY recommend.

Marki de Sade  recommends The Irish Pagan School.

AFFILIATE NOTE: As an Amazon Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases on this blog.

This just means that if a book is linked through Amazon, and you click our link to buy it, we earn a few cents, sent to us in Amazon vouchers (that we use to buy more books). This is at no cost to you, just putting it here to make sure ye are informed!

The Irish Pagan School offers online courses taught by some of the best teachers in the field of Celtic Paganism. We are always open to class ideas from new Irish educators and presenters, so if you have an idea for an online class that is not already covered at our school, send us an email and we’ll send you a link so you can fill out a class proposal form.

Meet our Irish Teachers!

These classes are designed for people who want to learn about Paganism in general, and Irish Paganism specifically, but don’t know where to start.

Online Courses with Native Teachers at the Irish Pagan School

Our teachers include leading experts such as Irish Historian Lora O’Brien MA, author of “Irish Witchcraft from an Irish Witch”, and “A Practical Guide to Pagan Priesthood”; and Jon O’Sullivan, author of “Tales of a Dagda Bard”. They co-founded the IPS in 2017 to provide a platform where students could access authentic Irish connection… and our native teachers could have a platform to take up space, a small island of genuine interaction and education amid a churning sea of ‘Celtic’ crap.

Here you can learn about Celtic spirituality that is part of our living traditions in Ireland, Irish mythology, Irish history, Irish Paganism (both Ancient Paganism and Contemporary Paganism!), and Irish culture from our experienced teachers, sharing our lived experience and knowledge.

We offer classes on topics such as Decolonising your Druidism and Celtic Shamanism, Irish Folklore, The Sidhe or Irish Fairies, Celtic Lore from the Manuscript Tradition in Ireland, Irish Ancestry, The Morrigan, The Dagda, many other Gods and Goddesses of the Tuatha Dé Danann, Ogham, Irish Witchcraft, and much more.

You can choose from single class sessions, multi week or month courses and programmes, or a range of online classes which are offered completely free of charge.

We hope you enjoy learning from us as much as we enjoy educating you on your journey toward authentic Irish Paganism.

For more information on specific classes, please Click Here.

I recommend The Irish Pagan School because it is well researched and bypasses all the buzz words of mainstream ‘new age schools’. This School is ::TheRealThing:: The more knowledge you gain through research, the bigger your menu gets! Hopefully, in this lifetime I can rip the band aid off of concealed history to attain truths & pwr that rumble within us all. Thank you for being here IPS!

Nukai Nebula  recommends The Irish Pagan School.

An authentic and mindful connection to Irish Paganism – deities, fire festival traditions, guided meditations, and de-colonizing paganism are just a few topics touched by The Irish Pagan School!

All of the teachers are highly skilled and educated, and the material is very easy to process in short bursts or long sessions. Generally there are powerpoint/written portions alongside videos or audio. GRMA☘️

Cassandra Day  recommends The Irish Pagan School.

Course Focus: 9 Beginner Pagan Classes to Check Out Today

Ready to take your first steps into the magical world of Paganism? Here are 9 beginner-friendly classes that can help guide you on your journey!

Contemporary Paganism is rooted in ancient spiritual practice, and is becoming increasingly popular today. We have (at time of writing) over 44,000 students from all over the world enrolled in our classes – both free and paid – at the Irish Pagan School!

Students enrolled in Pagan classes – 1st September 2024

If you’re looking to explore and deepen your understanding of this tradition, there are plenty of beginner-friendly classes available – on demand – for you to enroll in today. To begin, here are 9 classes that can help guide you on your journey into the magical world of Paganism.

Understanding the Basics of Paganism

It’s important to start with a foundational understanding of Paganism. These beginner classes present a simple introduction to the basics of Paganism, including its key concepts, beliefs, rituals and practices. Each one covers different aspects of Irish Paganism and their place in today’s world, as well as how you can practice Paganism and use it to enrich your life.

Rituals and Practices of Paganism

Pagan rituals and practices differ between various traditions, and these classes will give you some insight into how we do things with regard to Irish Paganism. They may include connection to the land (wherever you are in the world), prayer and offerings to the gods and goddesses, and celebrations of seasonal holidays. Practicing these rituals can help you deepen your understanding of Paganism as well as create special connections with different spiritual energies around you.

Gods & Goddesses of Paganism

Irish Paganism honours and acknowledges a pantheon of deities including those from the Tuatha Dé Danann, as well as those whose stories come from other parts of our Irish Mythology and Folklore. As they are part of our polytheistic beliefs and traditions, it’s important to learn about them in order to further deepen your understanding of the practice. In these classes you will explore their stories and archetypes in order to better connect with them and build a strong relationship on a spiritual level.

Belief in, or relationship with, these Gods is not essential to Contemporary Paganism, but learning their stories and exploring the native understanding of them will enable you to connect to Ireland in a clearer and deeper way. And if you do believe, or come to believe in time, then incorporating a relationship with the Gods and Goddesses of Irish Paganism into your practice will enable you to create powerful experiences that can help you maintain a spiritual balance in life.

Working with Ancestral Spirits and Otherworld Spirits

Just like the Gods and Goddesses, you can help to connect with your own ancestors as well as the Beings and Entities of the Irish Otherworld (including the Sidhe, or Irish Fairies) in your daily practice. Our unique technique for Guided Journeys forms a strong foundation for both spiritual and magical exploration and engagement in these realms, and lies at the heart of how we teach Irish Paganism. These classes will teach you about ways of connecting with these spirits through ancestral discovery, and Journeys to meet them in person. You’ll learn how to safely work with these energies, how they can help you on your path of growth, and how they can serve as a source of guidance in times of need.

I got the meditation and guided journeys bundle. Once I finished level one and the self discovery journeys and moved on to level two I realized I really needed more time in level one to practice and work on some stuff. A lot to unpack. Never had meditation really work and go this deep. Really happy I found the IPS.

Lea Squires, IPS STUDENT