The ancient Hill of Tara holds many tales of valour and mystery. Among these is the compelling story of Lugh, the many-skilled one, who came to Tara on a cold...
So you’re wondering which Irish deity you should work with? This is a question I get asked a lot, and it’s not as straightforward as one might think. There are...
What of Áine - Fairy Woman, 'Celtic' Goddess, and Queen of the Sidhe in Limerick? It is impossible to discuss places in Ireland without discussing the stories attached to those...
In the rich tapestry of Irish mythology, Irish Gods' names carry deep significance, weaving together strands of language, culture, and belief. Yet, as we delve into the origins and meanings...
When discussing the Irish Sidhe, the Fairies as we call them here, you'll hear many a cautionary tale of trickery, hard lessons, and even death... before you ever get a...
I've seen some chatter floating about online about whether Airmid, a figure from Irish Mythology, (also Airmed, Airmeith, Airmedh) is a historical figure, or a deity, and if she could...
You might be forgiven for getting these two mixed up given the complex nature of the Irish Otherworld. In other cultures there are tales of some form of ‘underworld’ or...
Ceist: What is a Dagda Bard? Ní Ansa... We get asked a lot of questions about Irish Gods, spiritual practices, Irish culture, history and mythology... and honestly we’re delighted. That's...
Ceist: What is the Bed of the Couple? Ní Ansa... Central to Ireland Mythological cycles is the arrival and conflicts of the Tuatha De Danann, the tribe who would become...
Whilst hosting a recent session of a Dagda centred mentor group at the Irish Pagan School, I happened to quip that the ‘Good God’ was so powerful and connected with...