The Goddess Brigid occupies a unique space in Irish (and Scottish) traditions, where the lines between Goddess and Saint blur. With roots in ancient mythology and a strong presence in...
How (and why) do we celebrate Irish Pagan holidays in Contemporary Irish Paganism? Pagan Holidays (Holy Days) worldwide are coming back to a more general use and understanding, with folk...
Explore the Irish spiritual and cultural tradition of the Brat BrÃde, where a simple ribbon or piece of cloth transforms into a potent talisman of healing on Brigid's Eve, and...
As the wheel of the year turns, we welcome Imbolc, the traditional Irish Fire Festival or Cross Quarter day, with a simple Pagan ritual marking the beginning of Spring. Celebrated...
Our Imbolc Challenge offers a unique opportunity to connect deeply with the themes of renewal, balance, and growth inherent in the Imbolc festival season over 5 days of simple reflection. ...
This is your guide to understanding Imbolc (Imbolg) in Ireland, with Lora O'Brien. Today we're turning our focus to the rich traditions and nuanced discussions surrounding this Fire festival, so...