With their mischievous demeanor and pots of gold at the end of the rainbow, the leprechaun has left an indelible mark on Irish folklore, and made a mark on modern...
When discussing the Irish Sidhe, the Fairies as we call them here, you'll hear many a cautionary tale of trickery, hard lessons, and even death... before you ever get a...
As an Irish author and teacher of Irish history, I have always been intrigued by the rich mythology and folklore of Ireland, naturally. Among the many supernatural beings that populate...
Bealtaine is a significant community festival in Ireland, marking the beginning of summer and the changing of the year. In this article you will discover some of the traditions of...
Irish mythology is a body of legends that originate in Ireland. They were originally oral stories that were part of the multiple tribal Celtic cultures. Later, many of them were...
It's always fascinating to take a dive into the School's Collection on Dúchas.ie, and looking for moon folklore there is no exception. Any form of magic or Irish Witchcraft will...
The Sidhe in Ireland Here in the Emerald Isle we have Irish myths aplenty about the Fairy Folk, with records starting in the 17th Century and continuing right through to...