Irish blessings, woven deeply into the fabric of Irish culture and spirituality, serve as a poignant expression of Irish people's rich linguistic heritage and even religious tradition. These blessings, often...
A Student's Interview with Lora O’Brien In the realm of contemporary Paganism, few names resonate as deeply with the essence of Irish spirituality and magic as Lora O’Brien. As a...
In the realm of spiritual exploration, the nuances between different paths such as Druidism and Paganism can often lead to confusion, especially for those newly treading these ways. Mike, a...
With their mischievous demeanor and pots of gold at the end of the rainbow, the leprechaun has left an indelible mark on Irish folklore, and made a mark on modern...
When discussing the Irish Sidhe, the Fairies as we call them here, you'll hear many a cautionary tale of trickery, hard lessons, and even death... before you ever get a...
This article takes a closer look at the customs and etymology behind the fascinating concept of Handsel Monday, a term steeped in Irish and Scottish tradition. Originating from a blend...
You might be forgiven for getting these two mixed up given the complex nature of the Irish Otherworld. In other cultures there are tales of some form of ‘underworld’ or...
What happens if we experience doubt in our spiritual lives? Living a spiritually balanced life is not as easy as some people make it seem. Many times we are approached...
In today's interconnected world, understanding and practising 'Right Relationship' in our interactions with cultures different from our own is crucial. It is even more important that we consider this in...
Living an active pagan practice can involve many things, from reverence of nature to moments of introspection or meditation. Yet there is one aspect of the devotional practice of paganism...