When it comes to Irish or Celtic Paganism, one question keeps cropping up in our communities: Is it an open practice? And what they are really asking is... Can we...
Samhain in Ireland is a time of profound transformation, marking the transition from light to dark, from the active days of summer to the quiet, introspective time of winter. Unlike...
Do you need to have an altar for Irish Paganism? Loads of people look down their nose at me for teaching about altars and tended sacred spaces in my Irish...
"Pottage is not so much used in all Christendom as it is used in England" - Andrew Boorde, Dyetary (I542) Pottage in England, came from the Old French pottage, meaning...
As someone who's steeped in the traditions and teachings of Ireland, I often hear from folks in the diaspora longing to connect authentically with their Irish roots. It's a journey...
An interesting question, or some version of it, comes up for us time and time again. From ‘my great grandparent was Irish’ or ‘my [insert random DNA test brand here]...