Geraldine Moorkens Byrne

Geraldine Moorkens Byrne
Geraldine Moorkens Byrne

Geraldine Moorkens Byrne is a poet (File), and practitioner of indigenous Irish Witchcraft. She practices Draiocht Ceoil, the magic of words and sound, a traditional part of Irish folk magic and folklore.

She has written Roscanna (Roisc) for many political and social causes, most recently – ร‰riu Addresses the High Kings – against a proposed misogynistic gathering in Ireland (subsequently published in Gods and Radicals journal.) She has also written and published articles on the origin and use of the Rosc.

Geraldine is a founding editor of PPP Publishing, and has been published in many anthologies (e.g. Poems from the Lockdown, Harp Club and Cauldron, Small Things, Where the Hazel Falls, Jane Raeburn Anthology); magazines (e.g. Asia Geographic, American Dowser); e-zines (e.g. Poetry Life & Times, Prairie Poetry).

Some of her poems – including “Bealtaine” & “Death of the Hero” – have been performed as theatre by groups in Ireland, Britain, & the USA. Her gorgeous children’s book Puddles, and her collection of poetry called “Dreams of Reality”, are both available on Amazon.

Geraldine writes ceremonies for modern Pagan life, rooted in authentic Irish tradition. She also writes modern mystery novels including The Caroline Jordan Mystery Series, available on or direct from her website

Check Out Geraldines Classes at the Irish Pagan School HERE