The ancient Hill of Tara holds many tales of valour and mystery. Among these is the compelling story of Lugh, the many-skilled one, who came to Tara on a cold...
The 1st of August, or sometimes the 2nd, marks the celebration of Lúnasa in Ireland (also known as Lughnasadh, Lughnasa, Lammas, or Brón Trogain), our vibrant harvest festival. Rooted in...
The character of Queen Maeve has come to popularity in Amazon's TV show 'The Boys' as a badass superhero with some… issues, not the least of which appears to be...
"Pottage is not so much used in all Christendom as it is used in England" - Andrew Boorde, Dyetary (I542) Pottage in England, came from the Old French pottage, meaning...
So you’re wondering which Irish deity you should work with? This is a question I get asked a lot, and it’s not as straightforward as one might think. There are...
How (and why) do we celebrate Irish Pagan holidays in Contemporary Irish Paganism? Pagan Holidays (Holy Days) worldwide are coming back to a more general use and understanding, with folk...
What of Áine - Fairy Woman, 'Celtic' Goddess, and Queen of the Sidhe in Limerick? It is impossible to discuss places in Ireland without discussing the stories attached to those...
Here we look at the Irish Summer Solstice traditions with Lora O'Brien. The Summer Solstice, the longest day of the year, has important spiritual and cultural meanings in Irish history....
A question that often arises in our comments - who is the Irish god of death? Among the various candidates, Donn, the first ancestor of the Gaels, is often highlighted...
Irish folklore is rich with tales of the Sidhe and Fairy Magic, offering a glimpse into the mystical world of Irish traditions. Within our Irish culture and society, practices for...